This gallery contains the artwork of students who were challenged to create pieces of art that express their opinions on today's social issues.

The video shown above was created based on the social issue of religion. The poem in the video was created by Adam T. Szabo Jr. The art work shown in the video was not created by Adam and he does not claim that he owns or created any of the art work. If you wish to contact the artist you may do so by email. Author's email address:

Title: Make It Their World Too!

Artist's Name: TylerAnn

The art work shown above was created based on the opinion that man is not the only creature that inhabits the earth. So, we as the race of man should do what we can to ensure our survival and the beasts' survival as well.

Title: Silenced

Artist's Name: Heather

This mask was created by the artist to represent her opinion on artists being silenced due to their opinions. The issue is very common in today's world due to massive censorship on art work, videos, games, etc....

 Title: Against Abortion

Artist's Name: Rachel

The art work shown above was created by the artist to express her opinion against abortion. The shapes in the work are those of baby's footprints along with a poem about abortion.

Title: Invisible Children

Artist's Name: Tonya

The above artwork was created to express the artists opinion on the conflicts occurring in Africa which involve children. It contains several photos depicting African children holding weapons. She has captured the pain and torment of the children and their families in one single artistic piece.

Title: Two Faced Politics

Artist's Name: Malachi

This mask was created by the artist to show the issue of today's politics. The issue being that bureaucrats say one thing and then afterward do the exact opposite of what they said.

 Title: Changes For Humanity

Artist's Name: Megan

This mask was created by the artist to show the issue that man needs to change in order for the planet to survive. Man needs to change because the path that we have taken is destroying the planet.

Title: Abortion

Artist's Name: Correna

This mask was created by the artist show her opinion on abortion. The mask symbolizes the unborn child saying that you should think about them before you abort them.



Title: Animal Shelter

Artist's Name: Brittany

The above model was created by the artist to express the social issue about animal rights and the humane protection of animals. The work displays three animals in captivity and although they are in captivity they are safe, secure, and happy.


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